Wednesday, October 14, 2009

First snow of the season

Yesterday, I woke up with the excitement of a child as I peered out the window to find snow-covered trees and flurries dancing in the air. I took a deep breath and giggled, knowing this was the start of a season that may be frozen in time. But the weather didn't stop me from my plans to work at Screaming Ridge Farm that day. Joe and I spent all day planting winter greens in the greenhouse and finishing up pipe work for the irrigation system. My favorite word of the day was claytonia, which is sometimes referred to as miner's lettuce, indian lettuce, or spring beauty; but it definitely prefers cool damp conditions.

One of the other favorite tidbits that I wanted to share was about the science of meat, red vs. white. Do you know why chicken breasts are white, but the chicken legs are reddish purple? It all has to do with how the particular muscle is used. The more a muscle is worked, the more the blood is oxidized and increases the production of myoglobin causing the muscle to turn red.

Man, I love the farm and I feel the happiest I've felt in awhile when I spent my days there.


  1. looks so pretty! the farm seems amazing. glad things are going well for you!

    hey, i'm following you. follow me too



  2. I like your word of the day and I love your writing style. I can't believe it is snow time. I can't wait for it to hit NY baby.
